Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Thousand Splendid Suns Movie Review |

‘There is a way to be good again’ wrote Khaled Hosseini, the resounding refrain that gently suggests redemption, in the Kite Runner. Redemption, he has no need of, as thousands of readers will agree, but he sure has lived up to that statement with his second novel ‘A Thousand Splendid Suns’. Is it good? Yes. Is it splendid? Most definitely. It could’ve been a story about two struggling housewives during a war. And it is. But Hosseini has teased out the various layers that carefully make the housewives and their struggle so finely, that you cannot but feel that this is a story of valiant heroism, silent matyrdom and the infinite love the human spirit is capable of. Not that they require it, but the backdrop of the war only make them starker. Read More

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