Friday, January 8, 2010

The Invention of Lying Movie Review |

The title says it all about what is actually in the movie for the viewer. If the concept of lying is supposed to be invented then one is sure that the movie is going to be rollicking fun. It is fun no doubt to begin with but once it moves on and when the art of telling lies gets invented and its effects gets to show up the lies tends to loose its grip over the audience. The director Ricky Gervais who has also played the lead role in this movie should have had his thinking cap on for some more time to make this invention more convincing to the viewer. The movie at the outset is definitely a misfit for the present generation and more so ever the plot and the execution looks totally out of place and it looks like the director was in a hurry to complete this script so that he can move forward to his next one. Read More

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